Categories friends

weekend update

This is one of those instances where the photo isn’t necessarily flattering, but is a wonderful image. Captured Sunday afternoon while enjoying caffeine in the park. It’s a bit frustrating. There were like 6 epic things that happened this weekend that I can’t or won’t talk about publicly. Poo. But Continue Reading

Categories friends


Fun weekend, involving movies, dinners, photography shows, graduation parties, and tacos. I said it… Tacos!

Categories life worth living


When did 15k a second get to be too slow? When did I get old enough to ask questions like that? So I have a few minutes while this template is downloading. Kinda late to say it, but I had a great extended weekend, last weekend. I have purty books Continue Reading

Categories boozing


Went out with some friends over the weekend. Fuck… I actually pretty much spent the whole weekend with these friends. But we started the weekend on Friday night with dinner (yay Sushi!). My friends had relatives in town, and the goal for the night was a little after-dark site-seeing. Up Continue Reading

Categories home


random fact… A few minutes ago, the water running in the gutters jumped the curb and was flowing over the sidewalks. Damn glad I live on the 4th floor. Three major thunderstorms in the last 4 days . In an area where we previously were lucky to get 1 or Continue Reading

Categories friends

Indri in town

I dropped Indri off at the bus yesterday afternoon. No offense to anyone who’s ever visited me, but when I finally turned around to walk back to my place, I actually missed her. I don’t usually miss weekend visitors once they finally leave. Quite the opposite. No matter how great Continue Reading