Categories intangibles

good stuff

So last night as I’m heading out the door, I get a call saying I can come pick up my replacement lens, today. Whee! So… I head out the door. And I end up having a very enjoyable night. To the point where I’m sitting on the Metro on the Continue Reading

Categories photo

camera strap

Picked up a new toy, this week. Well, I picked up several, but this one is my favorite so far — a new camera strap. The old strap — from Epic Software — itself was holding up fine. But the connectors for attaching it to the camera were failing one-by-one. Continue Reading

Categories intangibles

sappy shit

I haven’t tried to make New Year’s resolutions since I was in elementary school. And I’d surely break every one of them if I tried now. But I’m not going to try. It doesn’t fit with the way I handle those kinds of things. But the New Year does make Continue Reading