Birthday Weekend
Friday – Amanda’s Birthday Saturday – Shannon’s Birthday
The two most recent photos in my flickr feed. I find the juxtaposition kind of funny. I like my life. I love ‘my’ women.
Shannon’s Birthday 2010
Take 3
This is one of those sets of images I come back to every so often, when I’ve learned new things. I try new things, see if I’m any better than I was, with my tools. Yeah I like this much better. But she was still pretty awesome to begin with.
surreal saturday night
2006 shoot
Wow… it’s been 4 years since this shoot. Was just cataloging my backup drive, and browsing the import. Don’t think I ever highlighted this image before. Despite MANY, MANY issues with that shoot, I still like this image. (OHMYGAWDITSSHANNONAGAINWHATDOESTHATMEAN?!?!?!)
sick of her yet?
Playing with shots from the Shannon Shoot again. I really wanna do another shoot… who oh who can I ask?
Last weekend, I did my first solo photo shoot, with Shannon. She was a wonderful model. I had a great time. And the photos came out better than I ever expected. Click for highlights.
Was digging through my photo archive last night to find a batch of images. Looking for some that either hadn’t been posted before, or variations on ones that got posted. I came across this one of Shannon from the 2006 photo shoot. I recently read some articles on nikola tamindzic Continue Reading
Happy Birthday, Shannon
1 luftballon
Another one of my favorite photos. This time, it’s Shannon, as taken at the halloween party thrown by Jeff, last year. I love the look on her face, and the hair being pulled up by the static electricity. I love the ominous balloon looming overhead, and the skeleton peeking over Continue Reading