Categories renovations

let there be light

The house – when we bought it – had an overly large, inappropriate light fixture on the front porch. So it became a low-priority fix, with us occasionally looking at new fixtures. But when we came upon something nice and size-appropriate at the Community Forklift, we grabbed it, and prepared Continue Reading

Categories photo

bad light

You want a horribly colored photo? Stick me in a room with incandescent lighting, and beige walls, and beige furniture. No matter how much I mess with the white balance, I can never quite get it right, under those conditions.

Categories nature

natural bokeh

I was looking at the shadows as I walked back from getting lunch today. I noticed the difference in shadows between the tree leaves verses unnatural structures, like signs and buildings and stuff. It eventually occurred to me, the shapes of the light through the tree leaves amounted to a Continue Reading