Categories design

Old Job and New Book

Tomorrow, what is left of the-company-I-formerly-worked-for will undergo what is likely to be one of it’s last transformations. They’re shedding their office in downtown DC, and the boss and his one remaining employee will work from home. Life was never full of peaches and cream there, but this last year Continue Reading

Categories news

a little house-cleaning

From Randi Rhodes, a terrible radio host, who stumbled on a few good ideas for news media: First, Congress must act to adopt standards for labeling a broadcast as NEWS. There is a right to a free press expressly guaranteed to each and every one of us, and yet there Continue Reading

Categories design

Fix your life: Quit your job

“At 28, John Doyle was an overworked New York investment banker on the fast track. By most measures, he was a success. But he was also miserable. So during a semiannual review 2 1/2 years into the job, he simply quit. ‘Almost immediately I lost 35 pounds,’ says Doyle. For Continue Reading