I played with iPhoto 6 this weekend, in probably the most detail since I got it. It leaves me conflicted. The problem comes from timing. I’d been using iPhoto for years, since I bought my first digital camera. It’s never been the most powerful tool, but it was the most Continue Reading
White Balancing in iPhoto
“I did discover today that when you have a photo selected in edit mode. You can command click on the photo to immediately select the white point which also brings up the adjust panel. I have look through the keyboard short cuts and this doesn’t seem to be listed.”
Why iPhoto stops working
Of all the boneheaded… iPhoto — my photo management software — isn’t allowing me to drag more than one photo at a time. But I need to drag all my recent photos to a new folder where i can sift through them. What does the problem turn out to be, Continue Reading
Sick, and bad tech
Didn’t accomplish jack shit, this week. Since Tuesday, I’ve had this throat-infection thing. It tried to start out as the flu, but the muscle pain went away relatively quickly. The pain in my throat, however, kept getting worse. I was awoken at 4 in the morning on Friday, ready to Continue Reading