Categories toys

Video Game Lessons

I’ve played 3 different video games recently. Two of them had great features I would love to see in more games; and one I could definitely do without. Just to quickly get the bad out of the way: I finally got around to playing Darwinia, a game put out by Continue Reading

Categories life worth living


When did 15k a second get to be too slow? When did I get old enough to ask questions like that? So I have a few minutes while this template is downloading. Kinda late to say it, but I had a great extended weekend, last weekend. I have purty books Continue Reading

Categories family

no more fun

I no longer have a ten foot long hole in my wall. So I got that going for me. (Plumbing that doesn’t leak: Good. Cat locked in bathroom for 3 days: Bad. Seeing the debris from the last time the wall was opened lazily dumped in the space behind the Continue Reading