Categories rant


Donald Trump will be my President. And he will be your President. And saying otherwise will make you sound no better than the petulant parents who kept their kids home from school so that they wouldn’t be exposed to Obama speaking on a telecast, 7 years ago. He’ll be my Continue Reading

Categories rant

Why Trump?

I am mystified by the relative success of Trump’s campaign. I can understand he’d have some amount of support. He’s been a media personality for 30 years. He’ll have developed a fan base in that time. But the idea of seriously voting for him for President, on a mass scale, Continue Reading

Categories rant

Someone give me some herbicide

You think your life is over. Well look around. You’re not the only one. — Visqueen You’re allllllllllllllllllllll going to hell. And you’re dragging the rest of us with you. You put the fucking Shrub back in office. Even if you accept every single conspiracy theory, that still means wayyyy Continue Reading