Categories rant

I’m beginning to think

I’m beginning to think I live in a war zone. At least, that’s the impression the local militia would have you … have. Cordoned off entire blocks surrounding the White House. Can only enter at one corner at one end of the street at one side. Cause basically that’s the Continue Reading

Categories rant

Ann Coulter on Barbara

Ann Coulter on Barbara Olson Ignorant, sadomasochistic, bigoted faux-intellectual. I’ve gotta get into Journalism if this woman is the Gold Standard for writers. She is ready and willing to go out and start deporting, bombing, and killing people. And her vauge references don’t hide who she is talking about. listen Continue Reading

Categories home

awww Christ. Thirteen Metro

awww Christ. Thirteen Metro Police square cars just went by, with all lights and horns flashing, at high speed, headed east. The presidential motorcade doesn’t get 13 squad cars. This is the kind of shit that makes me nervous.

Categories photo

Pictures from 9/11/01. (

Pictures from 9/11/01. ( All images are copyrighted by me. Contact me if you want to use them). Pentagon Explosion Cloud Crowds on Street near White House Emergency Vehicles Gathering for Information

Categories news

The rescue workers in

The rescue workers in New York are using Magic Markers to write their names and social security numbers on their limbs. They know they are risking their own lives to save people who are most likely dead.

Categories news

Reagan Airport ‘Too Close’

Reagan Airport ‘Too Close’ to D.C. funny… National Airport is still closed, although it is the only local airport the terrorists would NOT have used, since it does not allow transcontinental flights.

Categories news

( Ah… a rush

( Ah… a rush of ego to my brain and other bodily extremities. To be quoted, in the Washington Post. And not just any quote, but to wrap up the entire article. I’m ready, Mr. Demille. Edit: The article has since been taken down. But they interviewed me in the Continue Reading

Categories home

It is 7:30 in

It is 7:30 in the morning. looking outside you couldn’t tell a damn thing happened. not now anyway. But just 22 hours ago, I was standing in front of this very computer, when a loud bang outside was followed by a vibration that shook the building. It was assumed that Continue Reading

Categories photo

Okay… blogger just went

Okay… blogger just went skitzo on me, resulting in my post from yesterday getting zapped. Bah… gives me a chance to rewrite it later I guess.

Categories music

Okay, I’m in no

Okay, I’m in no mood to post, but I can’t leave that feel good crap of my last post just sitting there for people to read. My family and friends will start thinnking I’ve gone soft. I guess work was good for a Monday. Didn’t wanna drag my butt out Continue Reading

Categories photo

Could anyone tell me

Could anyone tell me why this was linked in my browsers tool bar? I can’t even remember the last time I went to macwarehouse. But this link has been there forever now. Great, now I’m a digitalslob too!

Categories photo

Hot fuck’n damn. Got

Hot fuck’n damn. Got the comments working here in my journal. Means all you people who normally insult my writing to my face can now let the whole world know how you feel by posting your comments right here.

Categories rant

Okay. So I feel

Okay. So I feel a little pathetic looking back and the two biggest rants Ive had lately were about MTV and Freedom of speech on the internet (AOL no less). On the scale of importmant issues in the world, these rate somewhere near the level of what’s on TV tonight. Continue Reading

Categories rant

It’s said you cannot

It’s said you cannot slight someone for being what they are. Bah. Fuck that. MTV is the crap du jour. Or more precisely, MTV is the crap du jour tout la monde. (that’s “shit all the time” for all the Americans out there) While they have never held themself to Continue Reading

Categories rant

Belfast Blast Rattles Schoolgirls

Belfast Blast Rattles Schoolgirls um. yeah. In order to protest violence perpetrated by Cathloics, the protestants are shoot and bombing young Catholic school girls. This isn’t even an eye for an eye (which only leaves both people blind). It’s more like a head for an eye.

Categories travel

Okay… I seriously need

Okay… I seriously need to get my brain checked. I’m just now starting to fully recover from fracturing my right ankle. So to celebrate I am going tubing down a river that includes Class 3 rapids. I’m sure it would be easier to just step out into traffic. *seg*

Categories tinyfunnythings

Damn, I’m slow. If

Damn, I’m slow. If I don’t watch it, they are going to revoke my pervert credentials. It took me this long to realise how suggestive the name of my journal-of-the-inane here is.

Categories rant

I cannot believe they

I cannot believe they (mis)quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. Bite me — it’s not like there is a whole lot of intellectual entertainment to be found on evening televion Friday nights. I can’t help it if my remote gravitates towards young, poorly dressed women.