On March 9th, I sent the following email to my families listserv: I have a very hard time with the argument that we’re going after Iraq for freedom and democracy for it’s people. “It’s been over 12 years since their most heinous attacks on their own people. It’s been over Continue Reading
Oh, complete fucking shit. They ACTUALLY broke into The West Wing to announce Shwarzenneger is running for governor. And it wasn’t even a Fox network. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Continue Reading
Fucking hell. Someone brought back the full table covers at the mall food court advertising Coke. On the subway, in bright red, white, and blue, is a sign in Helvetica Condensed Bold, shouting “VOTE ATT FOR CHANGE”. I just noticed that those new commercials that talk about empowering women to Continue Reading
Yes, I am a little pissed off. But only a little.
Watch out. They just used the term ‘regime’ to refer to the leaders of Syria. Fucking hell. You know somebody is holding a pro-war rally here tomorrow? How fucked up is that shit? Just how mentally diseased and thoroughly mind-fucked do you have to be to be pro-war? I don’t Continue Reading
Have you seen the front page of today’s Washington Post? Color picture, above the fold, 3/10ths of a page: By itself, this is a moving image, though not unexpected during an invasion. But it immediately occurred to me, this is Baghdad. While all the news reports might show you pictures Continue Reading
Apples and Oranges
In tried. I really tried to write something up that explained what I thought of the Protesters and the Counter-protesters. I really tried to sound fair. But for fuck’s sake, there’s some blind, ignorant, obnoxious people out there. We protest. The simplest fact is, we can. We are allowed to. Continue Reading
Someone in Iraq died tonight. If they even saw it coming, they had but a second’s notice. Someone’s child is dead. Someone’s friend is dead. Someone’s coworker is dead. They didn’t threaten violence. They didn’t attempt to injure anyone. They just went to work. There is nothing patriotic about this. Continue Reading
Cranes, Vets, and Buildings
This man was angry. He wore the uniform of the neglected vet, but his fatigues are too new. His boots still shine. He picked through the trash with his left arm while his right hand held a 6-string guitar. The case was leaning against the bus stop bench. This building Continue Reading
Why do we do stupid shit? Why do I buy a bath tub mat? Because my bath tub is made out of a material that stains too easily. If we have the ability to make a silky shirt that is essentially bullet proof, I don’t believe for a second they Continue Reading
to the fine gentleman driving the black sedan earlier tonight… no, I wasn’t watching the green light in front of you. mainly because I was on the sidewalk, and pedestrians aren’t governed by the streetlights. Even if I was, which I normally do, the light was with me, and I Continue Reading
Walmart wedding
okay…who the fuck goes shopping for their engagement ring at Walmart?
That’s it. The next person who’s within five years of my age that refers to me as “Sir” is getting bitch-slapped.
What part of “fuck off” didn’t you understand?
Neo-Nazi White Supremacy White Power Aryan Brotherhood These people are all proud of their heritage, of their ‘race’, of their skin color. Do you realize how stupid that is? The way you’re born; wether you’re white or black or gray; wether you’re born to a Jewish mother or a Italian Continue Reading
We’re going in.
okay. for those of you who are still confused about this, the United States will attack Iraq. Just like we always would attack Afghanistan. We were never coalition-building, We were wasting time while our aircraft carriers got into the area to equip our soldiers. The same thing we’re doing now Continue Reading
fuck off.
I have coworkers who can’t grasp the concept of an intellectual thought coming anywhere but from their own mouths (though that isn’t the orafice I would guess). I have a boss who wouldn’t know a business decision if it bit him on the ass. I have a computer that just Continue Reading
dear protester
Dear Protester, You have met the enemy, and he is you. For a few shining moments in Seattle, you stunned the world and made people believe revolution was possible. Enjoy the warmth of that moment, because reality is cold and harsh. Not only do you no longer make a difference. Continue Reading
JaxxRoxx I really wanted to go see Meg Lee Chin‘s show last night at Jaxx. I could get out there via cab and subway. But the subway closes down long before most clubs. The owner was a great guy though. Offered to get me a ride back into town after Continue Reading
Advancement never came from the device, but from the idea.
Call your congressman and tell him to pull his head out of his ass. The big tech issues and concerns at the moment involve congress passing laws that would either outlaw standard practices, or require new regulations or inhibitors that would effectively give one organization or industry control over an Continue Reading
Planned Sept. 11 Restrictions On
Planned Sept. 11 Restrictions On Foreign Flights Canceled Does anyone else remember that every plane used last September was part of an American fleet?
Would someone rip that goofy thing off Farakahns neck?
There are ignorant people and there are manipulative people in this city. Normally the bullshit doesnt get this deep until congress is in session. For now I simply refer you to what I wrote a couple months ago. Yeah I trailed off at the end, but you get the idea.