AOL mail: OK for others, not itself Is it any wonder this was published in a Microsloth publication?
the “Afghan Girl”
Behind the Search for the “Afghan Girl”
100 pictures in one night is enough. In the past week I have labeled over 600 photographs, and I still have 100 to go. It’s a real lesson in how many names you can forget in one year. Work today: Talk to boss. Tell boss there are problems. Ignore the Continue Reading
Could someone recommend a new ISP? I have completely lost any respect for Earthlink. I submit a complaint about their policy regarding their own spamming, and they send me an email scolding me for the use of the word “bullshit”? And I quote:
on a very quiet day…
I took off this morning with my camera, intent on taking the pictures I saw on Wednesday, when I didn’t have my camera with me. (They really don’t like it when you’re snapping off pictures in a Courthouse). Of course, I didn’t find anything in that specific area that I Continue Reading
penthouse apartment
So my new apartment has a few problems…
Winter has come at last…
*click* I gotta call my parents. They should’ve gotten hit with this storm. Strange… I barely heard anything about it. Oh dear… 55 mile per hour winds. So they evacuate the Xerox tower. I walked home in 55 MPH winds tonight thank you.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
So now the archives return. They may not be pretty yet, but they’re there. And for the first time, they are almost a complete archive of all my online journals. (There’s a few from the mid 90’s if I ever find them, that have yet to be posted). Man…it’s so Continue Reading
Gutenburg Lives Again
If this post goes through, then I have successfully migrated my online journal to a new management system. Blogger was nice, and very easy. But it erked me having to rely on another web site. While Ev did an amazing job for one man virtually leading the revolution, blogger was Continue Reading
Microsoft admits flaw in
Microsoft admits flaw in Passport Yet another reason to never believe anyone who’s marketing strategy is “Trust me!”
This is such an
This is such an amazing photograph, in so many different ways. Not the least of which making you feel like there was some good in what we did.
Yep, this pretty much
Yep, this pretty much describes how I feel. I know the picture will have changed within ten minutes, and make no sense to anyone in the future, but hey… welcome to the internet. Due to a brief lapse of sanity, I flipped to MTV a little while ago. I can’t Continue Reading
How fitting is that.
How fitting is that. I was looking through documents on the CIA’s Freedom of Information Act web site. Clicked on a button labelled “your rights”. Know what came up? a blank page.
Blogger is weblogs for
Blogger is weblogs for dummies. Right? So why am I doing more handcodeing now than I have in years? All the little markups and links in posts. Tweaking the templates so they work with blogger. learning PHP to add the commenting system. I started doing web pages over 7 years Continue Reading
I’m at work today.
I’m at work today. Which means of course, I am stressed. Unreasonable clients with their oxymoronic requests. Coworkers, traffic, bills, cold weather, bad food, long hours, … life. Okay. I’m pissed. One of my friends has given out my email address to spammers. I probably have a thousand email addresses Continue Reading
Pictures from 9/11/01. (
Pictures from 9/11/01. ( All images are copyrighted by me. Contact me if you want to use them). Pentagon Explosion Cloud Crowds on Street near White House Emergency Vehicles Gathering for Information
Okay… blogger just went
Okay… blogger just went skitzo on me, resulting in my post from yesterday getting zapped. Bah… gives me a chance to rewrite it later I guess.
Could anyone tell me
Could anyone tell me why this was linked in my browsers tool bar? I can’t even remember the last time I went to macwarehouse. But this link has been there forever now. Great, now I’m a digitalslob too!
Hot fuck’n damn. Got
Hot fuck’n damn. Got the comments working here in my journal. Means all you people who normally insult my writing to my face can now let the whole world know how you feel by posting your comments right here.
Let no one every
Let no one every say my boss doesn’t appreciate his employees. Walked into my office today and handed me a whole box of Cat5 cables. So I will be able to wire the office. guheez.