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a little metal pin.

There are some people I will not understand. Among them this day are Technical Support staff. This is a truly humbling admission since I am one of these people myself. My consistent experience with people in these jobs leads me to believe they are all deaf. Any other explanation would Continue Reading

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empty inbox

oh I am so emailed out. I have just . for the first time in at least 2 years, answered every single message in my email inbox. It is totally empty. All gone. 62 messages in 3 hours with only one break for an exploding computer. So write me now… Continue Reading

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I have started preparing my pictures from the recent Christensen picnic. Though it is nowhere near ready to openly announce, you can check out the progress here. And in case you missed it over on the left there, the pictures from the 2002 Calder reunion are up here.

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testing testing one two six

Just testing out a new program — Kung-Log. Should let me post to my movable type logs without using a web browser. Nice clean interface. Good basic features. And if it doesn’t work, you won’t see this anyway.

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Microsoft Exec Warns Court of

Microsoft Exec Warns Court of Computer Frustration Yeah. After all, the only computer systems that run well as open systems are… Unix, Linux, MacOS, OS2… no wonder Microsoft appeals so much to the government. They both appeal to and encourage the average persons ignorance.

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I find it extremely disturbing

I find it extremely disturbing that not only are there people still using Netscape and Explorer versions 3 to view my web site, there were actually a couple people using Lynx and NCSA Telnet. If you don’t know what they are, that should tell you something. And we wont disccuss Continue Reading

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I am such a geek.

Oh yes…. I’m cool I rock. thank you… no…. no need to send flowers. Small bills will do. upgraded to Moveable Type 2.0. worked on the first try… no adjustments. Damn thing works better than the old one too, since the pinging of works now! I am such a Continue Reading

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pop up downloads

Web surfers brace for pop-up downloads No this won’t be abused. has nayone given thought to the reason why advertising doesn’t work as well anymore. Every week there are stories of new methods of advertising online. If you need a new method every week, there is something inherently wrong with Continue Reading