Category: newsPage 2 of 10
Passive-aggressiveness is the last resort of the weak-minded. Not the the stupid.
Excellent overheard quote: It’s better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you pretend to be.
From Randi Rhodes, a terrible radio host, who stumbled on a few good ideas for news media: First, Congress must act to adopt standards for labeling a broadcast…
Not only is he not allowed to replicate a painting by Michelangelo, but he gets in trouble for using the word “love”: “He painted Eve as God created…
I sometimes think that if it weren’t for porn, I wouldn’t remember what a naked woman looks like. I mean, ya know, if I relied on Picasso or…
WASHINGTON, D.C. — A new national study, the largest of its kind, says America’s high schools are leaving the First Amendment behind. In particular, educators are failing to…
Parents and students say they are outraged and offended by a proposed band name and song scheduled for a high school talent show in Boulder this evening, but…
“ABC affiliates in at least eight states will not televise the network’s broadcast of the World War II film “Saving Private Ryan” because they fear repercussions from U.S….
There’s good money in this city, being spent on large pieces of machinery that lift heavy stuff hundreds of feet in the air and place it on top…
Disney refused to release Michael Moore’s newest movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, claiming it was too mean and gritty for their image. Today, Hyperion Publishing, which is, you know, a…
Published by the lndependent/UK Today the President gives his annual address. As the election battle begins, how does his first term add up? 232: Number of American combat…
The BBC has announced that they will be putting their entire archives, radio and television, online for free downloads. That is just fucking cool.
Just to start off on the right foot… Some of you out there really make me fucking sick. Two days ago there were two major stories in the…
The Shrub says he is “watching what is going on with the California recall election, but will let the voters decide what to do”. As if he had…
A Christian group in Orlando is calling for a lifting of the no-fly ban over Walt Disney World so that they can charter airplanes to drag anti-gay banners…
7 dead on the Space Shuttle Columbia 40 dead in a Zimbabwe train crash Over 100,000 rioting in the Ivory Coast What a fucking day.
” Last Thursday I was flying to LA on the Midnight flight. I went through security my usual sour stuff. I beeped, of course, and was shuttled to…
“The patent (6449344), originally filed in 1997, and granted in September this year, gives AOL instant messaging subsidiary ICQ rights as the inventor of the popular IM Internet…