Categories music

Visqueen and States of Emergency

You know what I like about doing laundry, besides the smell disappearing? Sometimes, when you walk into the laundry room, there is an attractive college girl, facing away from you and bending over to load the washer. Hmmmm. You know what I dislike about doing laundry, sometimes? The eighty year Continue Reading

Categories design

“What the hell was that?!”

I like it when it rains in the early evening. The rain itself is enough to make Sara happy. But if it’s summer out and a quick rain came in the early evening, then when it passes, you get the return of a half-light. It’s no longer day, but there’s Continue Reading

Categories music

Record labels offer MP3 test

Record labels offer MP3 test for 99 cents And the computer literate word takes a consecutive deep breath and says in one voice… “It’s about fucking time” This is all keeping in mind of course, that Vivendi Universal already has owned for a while. Emusic is the shit. Unlimited Continue Reading

Categories music

shit list what is

shit list what is getting on my nerves at the moment? (well, it’s a shallow day… nothing important).: contemplative rock bands. you seen em. They play what passes for hard rock, with a meaningful look on their face, talking about their relationships. Rock is not meant for a conservative discussion. Continue Reading

Categories music

“The Heineken Foundation supports

“The Heineken Foundation supports the development of urban-influenced music by offering financial support for the creation of this art form. Each year, the Foundation will develop a new CD highlighting emerging urban artists and featuring established ones. A portion of the sales will go toward non-profits like VH1 Save the Continue Reading

Categories music

Okay, I’m in no

Okay, I’m in no mood to post, but I can’t leave that feel good crap of my last post just sitting there for people to read. My family and friends will start thinnking I’ve gone soft. I guess work was good for a Monday. Didn’t wanna drag my butt out Continue Reading