Categories life worth living

assurance and inexpressible delight

Let the philosophers rave on about the summum bonum and mystics about embracing God. They are still vertical humans and therefore even their adorations still have something aggressive about them. Humans in the horizontal position have always struck me as less likely to be violent and destructive. So I take Continue Reading

Categories friends

Corn Starch

Last weekend, in recovery mode after a party of which no photos will be posted here, some friends revealed ignorance of the joys of wet corn starch. This needed to be resolved, and the next hour or so was spent playing at the dining table, and making a thoroughly satisfying Continue Reading

Categories intangibles


Things that strike me about Geneva every time I visit: trees, trees, trees seagulls slate sidewalks farmland porches greeting strangers they big sky the big fucking lake children playing on the sidewalks Queen Anne’s Lace names ending in vowels the smell of fresh, green air

Categories intangibles

Nice Guys

Being a “nice guy” is like being an alcoholic, in that you’re never really cured. There’s always that little bit of something in the back of your mind, waiting to jump out and take over your life again. So I speak from personal experience, but hopefully at a distance. It Continue Reading

Categories friends

weekend update

This is one of those instances where the photo isn’t necessarily flattering, but is a wonderful image. Captured Sunday afternoon while enjoying caffeine in the park. It’s a bit frustrating. There were like 6 epic things that happened this weekend that I can’t or won’t talk about publicly. Poo. But Continue Reading

Categories life worth living

We are here to…

We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts and love the wrong people and die. The storybooks are bullshit. Now I want you to come upstairs with me and get in my bed! — Nicolas Cage to Cher in Moonstruck

Categories events

2009 in Photos

I just posted my annual collection of photos, for 2009. (Yes… a little late). Same as always: It’s a collection of photos I took last year. The criteria for inclusion is subjective. Some I liked for technical reasons. Some for aesthetic reasons. Some were important events or people, (or cats). Continue Reading

Categories friends

i have no words…

I think I have fulfilled one of my lifelong goals, with this comment I received today: I know I needed the laugh and believe it or not u r the first one I think of when I think of any comment about my ass!! hard to believe I know

Categories intangibles

good stuff

So last night as I’m heading out the door, I get a call saying I can come pick up my replacement lens, today. Whee! So… I head out the door. And I end up having a very enjoyable night. To the point where I’m sitting on the Metro on the Continue Reading

Categories friends

time check

When the hell did it get to be 4:30 AM? Last time I checked, it was 1:50. Then there was hawt chicks, and crepes. and music and … Oh I give up.

Categories life worth living

out in the dark

Often when I’m walking the streets at night, after being out with friends, (or while still in the act), I really have this urge to just wander and take pictures. Cities take on this whole new life at 2 or 3 AM on Fridays and Saturdays. Crowds fill the street Continue Reading

Categories life worth living

out for repairs

It’s come up in several discussions with friends that they don’t always bring their cameras into questionable areas, or places they could get damaged. It’s reasonable. But for myself, my choice was always to bring the camera just about anywhere. I’d rather run the risk — especially since these are Continue Reading

Categories life worth living

Love this shot

I have no doubt I am being greatly biased by my wonderful memories of Friday night, but… I really like this kind of picture. Reasonably good quality. Highly dynamic. High Contrast. Capturing a very specific, unique moment. And it never would have looked this good on my previous camera. There Continue Reading

Categories intangibles

sappy shit

I haven’t tried to make New Year’s resolutions since I was in elementary school. And I’d surely break every one of them if I tried now. But I’m not going to try. It doesn’t fit with the way I handle those kinds of things. But the New Year does make Continue Reading