You know what I like about doing laundry, besides the smell disappearing? Sometimes, when you walk into the laundry room, there is an attractive college girl, facing away from you and bending over to load the washer.
You know what I dislike about doing laundry, sometimes? The eighty year old woman, facing away from you, bending over the washer, loading her clothes.
I looked up a little while ago and noticed it had started snowing. That nice kind of snow that gives everything outside a muted, fuzzy look. When I had downloaded enough porn, I stood up to stretch my legs, and saw for the first time how much snow we were really getting. There is already a good inch to an inch and a half on the ground. They’re already towing the cars parked across the street, because I live on an emergency route. When I started typing this, I saw the first snowplow. This city got blindsided.
Of course I know this snow won’t amount to shit. I wouldn’t even take a bet as to it still being on the ground in the morning. But there won’t be any school tomorrow. Probably some city offices closed as well. Damn I wish we would get smacked by a blizzard. Nothing really makes me happier in winter. Well… nothing I’m gonna tell you about.
I would love to be snowed in, just me and Pixel, with movies, hot food, and music. And maybe a certain woman. I just haven’t told her yet.
If you like music… if you have liked any music released in the last thirty years, then you will buy the album King Me, by a band called Visqueen. They really came from nowhere and blew me away. The group first caught my attention on NPR when I heard the name Kim Warnick. She’s former lead singer for a band called Fastbacks, who I also loved but admit is not for everyone.
I actually hated Visqueen for a few hours, for having been the cause of the breakup of the Fastbacks, who survived nearly 30 years in music. But then I heard their music. has free downloads of their songs Vaxxine and My House. (Vaxxine is far better. Although My House is my least favorite song on the album, it is still good. When was the last time you liked a whole album?) The band offers up links to some live performances as well, on their site.
It’s punk. It’s pop. It’s real rock ‘n roll. You wanna call it one thing or another, but it crosses more genre’s in three minutes than you can keep up with.
Their lead singer, Rachel Flotard, is amazing. I haven’t heard such a distinctive voice since Eddie Vedder. (No comparison in styles though, so shut the fuck up already). She drives it home on every song. None of it sounds over-rehearsed or uncommitted. She can go from a cute riff, to a wail that you can physically feel the pain in. Listen to what she claims is her first acoustic performance on those live shows from their website, and you’ll see it is in no way studio magic. This is the real thing.
I ordered their CD straight from the band, through the website. The day after I wrote to complain that it didn’t show up, their drummer Ben Hooker sent out a new one. He was a very nice guy about it all, and promised to castrate the mailman.
At least go listen. Every single person I’ve subjected to this has liked the band and asked where they could get a CD.
I’m gonna go back to watching them tow cars.
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