Categories quotes

Lawrence Lessig

“(1) The most important first indication that was absolutely clear from the argument is that our fear was misplaced. The Court clearly got it. Though the other side had written literally 300 pages trying to show all the good CTEA did (and pronounce it like it is a disease — sateeeya), the Court hadn’t bought any of it. Congress was not acting to promote progress, it was acting to reward "court favorites." The only question the Court was struggling with is whether it has the power to do anything about it. “

Lawrence Lessig

You have been living in a cave the last few years if you’ve heard nothing about Copyright. Whether it is the record companies using it as a bully club, or the now famous Eldred case, everyone want’s to own something.

This past week, the Supreme Court heard arguments for and against the reversal of the Copyright Extension Act. No matter what side you’re on, this article by the lawyer for the People is in depth, interesting, and strangely enough, optimistic.

Read it.


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