Categories rant

Money. Money. Money.

Money. Money. Money.
Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money.
Does anyone else think the Shrub is on a spending spree with someone else’s credit card?
I’ve seen him do nothing but sign into law new multi-billion dollar initatives. Five billion dollars today for bioterrorism protection efforts.
Fucking hell, man.
We were three trillion dollars in debt back when I was in grade school. That is an obscene amount of money. It would take essentially every last cent collected in income tax this year to pay a debt like that. If it hadn’t continued to grow. If the money wasn’t needed elsewhere. If it wouldn’t destabalize the entire world market.
And here the Shrub is spending more money each day than even Bill Gates makes?
If only it would happen.
Money. Money. Money.
Come back to me in 10 years. Show me 3 of these programs that recieved all the funding they were promised. I’ll buy dinner at Georgia Brown’s.

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