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Stamp Backlash Worries Muslims

Stamp Backlash Worries Muslims

Mekeel’s and Stamps Magazine, a weekly philatelic newsletter, ran editorials this month and last month against using the Eid stamp, citing the terrorist attacks. The newsletter urged Muslims and others to instead support the United We Stand stamp, which depicts a U.S. flag. Last weekend, the Free Congress Foundation, a conservative policy group, asked Republican congressional leaders to retract the stamp.

“I am writing to suggest that the current stamps be withdrawn, to be overprinted with the image of the Twin Towers and then reissued,” foundation President Paul M. Weyrich wrote in letters to House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), Majority Leader Richard K. Armey (R-Tex.) and Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.).

“I have no doubt a majority of Americans would find the altered stamps a more appropriate commemoration of Islam than the current celebratory version,” he said.

Ignorant, degenerate, inbred reprobates.
Were they protesting against the Christmas stamps when McVeigh blew the side out of an office building and the lives out of a couple hundred people?

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